Celtic Cuties: Fall (Saturdays at 10:30 am)
The Center for Irish Music 836 Prior Avenue North, Ste. 400, St. Paul*In-Person Class*
Join Alisa to learn the Fall collection of Celtic Cuties rhymes, finger plays, and songs in this interactive class, designed to introduce children ages birth to five and their families to traditional Irish music. Class sessions emphasize singing, chanting, instrument play, and movement. Each student will receive a beautifully-illustrated songbook and CD on the first day of class. The cost for these materials ($20) is included in the tuition fee.
Please wear comfortable clothing and be ready to sit, stand and move around.
Sibling Discounts: Siblings under 6 months old are free and do not need to register. Siblings 6 months and up automatically receive 50% off their class fee.
If you need any assistance with discounts, email CIM's Registration Coordinator, Lily Gaetgaeow lgaetgaeow@centerforirishmusic.org.