August 25, 2024
Sunday, September 8, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM

The Center for Irish Music is thrilled to welcome the Friel Sisters and friends Cathal Ó Curráin and Marty Barry for an afternoon of workshops before their concert at the Celtic Junction Arts Center!
All instrument workshops are aimed at intermediate to advanced players and will be taught by ear. Workshops are $25 each. Additional details below.
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Workshop Details
Fiddle with Clare Friel - A workshop in traditional Irish fiddle playing, focusing on Donegal style, technique, ornamentation and repertoire with Clare Friel.
Flute with Anna Friel - Join Anna for a workshop on flute and tin whistle delving into traditional Irish tunes, style and technique.
Uilleann Pipes with Sheila Friel - Experience the unique sounds of the uilleann pipes with Sheila Friel, as she guides this workshop through traditional tunes and piping techniques.
Guitar with Marty Barry - Join Marty for this dynamic guitar workshop, looking at rhythm and accompaniment techniques in traditional Irish music on guitar.
Song with Cathal Ó Curráin - Explore the rich traditions of Irish and English songs, in a traditional style, with Cathal Ó Curráin, one of the leading young voices in traditional Irish singing.
Category: Student Announcements
Date: September 8, 2024
Time: 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm
Cost: $25
The Center for Irish Music
836 Prior Avenue North, Ste. 400, St. Paul, 55104
(651) 815-0083
View Venue Website
Presented By:
The Center for Irish Music
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