2024 Concerts & Public Events
These events are open to anyone who would like to experience the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend, whether or not they are registered in workshops or youth programs. Parents, partners, friends, fans, music-lovers are all welcome!
Kick-off Event
Thursday, June 6th, 7:00-10:00pm
LOCATION: Urban Growler, Barrel Room
COST: $15 adults (includes a drink ticket) | Youth 18 & under are free.
Join us at Urban Growler at 7pm for an intimate performance from this year's visiting master artists. Then, enjoy a complimentary drink and snacks while we introduce the 2024 Fitz Scholarship recipients and introduce this year’s Master Artists. We'll wrap up the evening with a traditional session, so bring your instruments if you would like to join in!
Great Session Experience
Friday, June 7th from 7:00-9:00pm
LOCATION: Celtic Junction Arts Center
COST: FREE with a cash bar and much merriment! Non-alcoholic beverages are available.
The 2024 Great Session Experience will bring together the Twin Cities Irish music community for many simultaneous in-person sessions around the Celtic Junction Arts Center. Musicians and non-musicians alike are invited to join in the fun.
"Dubliner" Session: Led by John McCormick & Mary Vanorny on CJAC Outdoor Stage
"Irish On Grand" Session: Led by Brianna Brown, Morien McBurnie & Carmen Pasquerella at Main CJAC Entrance
"Keegan's Learners Session": Led by Pat Lyles & Friends, in the beautiful back alley;)
Traditional Singers Club Song Session: Led by Dáithí Sproule in the Scanlan Music Hall (indoors)
The bar will be located in the shed in the CJAC parking lot. Come early, grab a drink, and enjoy!

Master Artists Concert
Saturday, June 8th, 7:30pm
LOCATION: Celtic Junction Arts Center
Adults $25 advance / $30 at the door | Youth 18 & under are FREE
Despite what our registration system says, TICKETS ARE NOT SOLD OUT! Tickets will be available at the door. We hope to see you there!
Presented by the Center for Irish Music, the Master Artists Concert is the signature event of the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend. Don't miss this rare chance to see our visiting master artists performing together on one stage!
Can't make it in person? A livestream of the concert will be available for FREE on our YouTube channel!
Joey Abarta in Concert
Sunday, June 9th, 6:00pm
LOCATION: Scanlan Music Hall at the Center for Irish Music
COST: $20 advance / $25 at the door
Despite what our registration system says, TICKETS ARE NOT SOLD OUT! Tickets will be available at the door. We hope to see you there!
Don't miss this cd-launch concert of uilleann piper Joey Abarta's second solo album, King of the Blind to close out the Minnesota Irish Music Weekend. This acoustic concert will be presented in the Scanlan Music Hall and open to the first 50 people who purchase tickets.
Joey Abarta is an award-winning uilleann piper who has spent more than half his life traveling, teaching, and performing. Originally from California, he first received instruction on the pipes from Dubliner Pat D’Arcy, a founding member of the Southern California Uilleann Pipers Club. He went on to receive 2nd place at the All Ireland Fleadh in piping in 2009, and first prize at the An tOireachtas, becoming the the first American uilleann piper to do so since 1969. Joey is an active contributor to his local Boston scene and was the 2015 recipient of the Artist Fellowship in the Traditional Arts from the Massachusetts Cultural Council.