Ways to Support the CIM
The Center for Irish Music is a thriving Irish community music school because of the generous support of our donors, volunteers and community partners. The amazing growth that CIM has experienced since its creation in 2004 would not have been possible without the active, enriching engagement that this wonderful community of support provides.
If you are already actively supporting CIM, we thank you! If you would like to join this fantastic and inspiring community, please take a moment to explore the various ways you can take part.

Help the Center for Irish Music hand down the tradition by making a tax-deductible donation.
Without volunteers, the Center for Irish Music could not thrive and continue to grow. If you would like to become a volunteer, please fill out our volunteer interest form and we will let you know the next time we have an available opportunity.
Many employers will match their employees’ charitable contributions. Ask your employer if they will match your gift to the Center for Irish Music, and contact us if a match is coming our way!
In Kind
Learn more about our guidelines for in-kind donations of instruments, silent auction items for our annual fundraiser, Éigse CIM, a Virtual Gaela Event, and more.
We welcome sponsorships in any amount for our two major annual events, Éigse CIM, a Gaela Event, and Minnesota Irish Music Weekend. Contact us for more information on becoming a sponsor.
Hand down the tradition with a planned gift to the Center for Irish Music. If you already have a will or trust, a quick phone call to your attorney is all you’ll need to add a charitable gift. Click below to contact us and let us know that you have chosen to include the Center for Irish Music as part of your legacy.